What Was The Boston Tea Party And Why Was It Important

History is full of events, some major and some minor. The Boston Tea Party paved the way for the American Revolution, ultimately resulting in independence from the British crown. It holds a lot of importance in the events of history. Here you can learn why.

  • History of the Boston Tea Party

Before the Boston Tea Party ignited, the legendary “powder keg” had left a protracted wake (s). The British Empire had two grievances with the in-question powder kegs.

The British East India Company’s financial situation was precarious (Formed on 31st December 1600)

Even the existence of discord in the British Parliament over the American Colonies was insufficient.

The absence of proportional representation in the British Parliament, which imposed massive levies on the colonies, was a second cause. After the conclusion of the French and Indian Wars, the upkeep of British troops in the colonies was made more expensive; this worsened the issue.

The British government attempted to reduce competition in the global tea trade by imposing measures such as a rule in 1721 that required colonists to import all of their tea from Great Britain. By law, the East India Company could not carry tea to the colonies; instead, it had to sell its tea in bulk at auctions in England. British firms acquired this tea in the colonies and resold it to merchants in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston. This is why the Boston Tea Party targeted tea.

  • Events of the Boston Tea Party

To evade the high tea duties set by the British government, the colonists relied on smuggled tea. Due to the East India Company’s monopoly on tea sales, colonists had to pay twice as much for smuggled tea before this time. In response, the British government adopted the Tea Act to curb the rising demand for illegal tea.

The colonists could no longer depend on smuggled tea as an inexpensive supply of caffeine. It is essential to note that the colonists had a strong affinity for tea and that tea symbolized social status, comfort, and pride. Samuel Adams, the founder of the Sons of Liberty, and his comrades, posing as Mohawk Indians, threw 342 chests of tea overboard from three ships in the Boston Harbor. Therefore, what was the justification for discarding the cheaper tea? The American colonists sought to send a message to the British Parliament. 

After this act, every colony saw how far Americans were willing to go to defend their freedom. The Boston Tea Party ignited the American Revolutionary War, which resulted in the nation’s independence from British rule.

  • Legacy of the Boston Tea Party

After the Boston Tea Party, many Americans saw tea drinking as unpatriotic. During and after the Revolution, coffee supplanted tea as the most popular hot beverage.

In reality, from 1789 through 1872, the United States Congress implemented a tea tax, which never caused any issues.

Final Words

As a consequence of the Acts of Coercion, British troops were sent to Boston. The British placed even harsher regulations on the Massachusetts colony following the Boston Tea Party. A new colonial charter for Massachusetts was drafted, handing the king-selected governor huge new powers.

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